The agricultural roots of the May family go back to the 19th century in North Florida.... back more than 150 years in fact, when the senior May's great-grandfather first settled here in the 1820's. For four generations, the May family worked the land on successfull tobacco farms, and now for two generations, the family has applied its extensive experience to the nursery business.
In 1971, Fount H. May, Sr. and Don F. May, Sr., completely converted the family's Havana, Florida tobacco farm to a nursery that concentrated on Azaleas, ilexes and junipers. They foresaw that U.S cigar wrapper tobacco crops would yield to international growers and with a systematic study of successful nurseries - made the change. What they began has been nurtured and increased by their sons, Fount, Jr. Don Jr., Fred and Brad, who have assumed operation of the nursery. Now, third generations, Ashley, Richard, John Bradford & Joel May are continuing the tradition. -
May Nursery, Inc. 178 May Nursery Road Havana, FL 32333
Phone (850) 539-6495